Books - Tips
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This book is great because...
it always gives me courage and shows me my inner strength when I have forgotten it. This book makes it clear to me that children's literature can also delight the hearts of adults who have kept their inner child. It is such a pity that this book is no longer published in German. Everyone should read it once. It goes straight to the heart.
Reading recommendation: from 5
This book is great because...
it shows you how important it is to listen to your fellow human beings and, above all, to let them finish speaking. You often think you know a few words about what the other person needs and then you might give tips and support that aren't all that helpful. If someone confides in us and asks for help, then we should also give the person the opportunity to get rid of all thoughts and feelings.
Age recommendation: from 4 years
This book is great because...
it shows us in such a wonderful way that we living beings are complex and therefore unique. In addition, the message of the picture book is that we don't have to be pigeonholed with clichés based on our appearance. We can be a mouse that shows great courage despite its fear. A graceful lion may slumber in us, who may nevertheless show weakness. So we can feel everything and be everything at the same time.
​ This book is great because...
it shows to a special degree that picture books not only shine through their texts, but above all through their type of illustration and design. The designs of the pages as silhouettes and shadow play bring the well-known fairy tale to life. The cards that can be put up underline the character of the text wonderfully and let Little Red Riding Hood shine in new splendor.